Bill Viola (exh. cat.). Curator Dany Bloch. Texts by Anne-Marie Duguet, John G. Hanhardt, Kathy Rae Huffman, Suzanne Page and Bill Viola; interview with the artist by Deirdre Boyle. Paris: Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris. In French and English.
London, Barbara, ed. Bill Viola: Installations and Videotapes (exh. cat.). Texts by J. Hoberman, Donald Kuspit, Barbara London and Bill Viola. New York: The Museum of Modern Art.
Zeitlin, Marilyn A., ed. Bill Viola: Survey of a Decade (exh. cat.). Texts by Deirdre Boyle, Kathy Rae Huffman, Christopher Knight, Michael Nash, Joan Seeman Robinson, Gene Youngblood, Bill Viola and Marilyn A. Zeitlin. Houston: Contemporary Arts Museum.
Syring, Marie Luise, ed. Bill Viola: Unseen Images/Nie gesehene Bilder/Images jamais vues (exh. cat.). Texts by Rolf Lauter, Marie Luise Syring and Bill Viola; interview with the artist by Jörg Zutter. Düsseldorf: Kunsthalle Düsseldorf. In German, English and French. Reprinted and expanded for Spanish edition as Bill Viola: Más allá de la mirada (imágenes no vistas). Madrid: Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía.
Valentini, Valentina, ed. Bill Viola: Vedere con la mente e con il cuore. Texts by Valentina Valentini and Bill Viola; interview with the artist by Jörg Zutter, and interview with David A. Ross by Gianfranco Mantegna. Rome: Gangemi Editore. In Italian.
Bélisle, Josée, ed. Bill Viola (exh. cat.). Texts by Josée Bélisle and Bill Viola. Montreal: Musée d'art Contemporain de Montréal. In French and English.
Pühringer, Alexander, ed. Bill Viola (exh. cat.). Texts by Freidemann Malsch, Celia Montolió, Otto Neumaier and Bill Viola; interview with the artist by Otto Neumaier and Alexander Pühringer. Salzburg: Salzburger Kunstverein. In German and English.
Bill Viola: Território do Invisível/Site of the Unseen (exh. cat.). Texts by Ivana Bentes, Marcello Dantas, Kathy Rae Huffman and Bill Viola; interview with the artist by Jörg Zutter. Rio de Janeiro: Magnetoscópio/Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil. In Portuguese and English.
Zeitlin, Marilyn A., ed. Bill Viola: Buried Secrets/Segreti sepolti (exh. cat.). Texts by Bill Viola and Marilyn A. Zeitlin. Tempe, Arizona: Arizona State University Art Museum. In English and Italian. Reprinted and expanded as Bill Viola: Buried Secrets/Vergrabene Geheimnisse. Texts by Carl Haenlein, Susie Kalil, Bill Viola and Marilyn A. Zeitlin. Tempe, Arizona: Arizona State University Art Museum. Hannover: Kestner-Gesellschaft. In English and German.
Bill Viola, Reasons for Knocking at an Empty House: Writings 1973–1994. Edited by Robert Violette with Bill Viola. London: Thames & Hudson/Anthony d'Offay Gallery; Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Sparrow, Felicity, ed. Bill Viola: The Messenger (exh. cat.). Curator Bill Hall. Texts by David Jasper, Stuart Morgan and Bill Viola. Durham: Chaplaincy to the Arts and Recreation in Northeast England.
Bill Viola: Stations (exh. cat). Texts by Martin Hentschel, Hannelore Paflik-Huber and Bill Viola. Stuttgart: Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart. In German and English.
Bill Viola, A Twenty-Five-Year Survey (exh. cat.). Texts by David A. Ross and Bill Viola; conversation between Lewis Hyde and Bill Viola; visual documentation by Kira Perov. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art; Paris: Flammarion. Stuttgart: Cantz, 1999. In German.
Lauter, Rolf, ed. Bill Viola: Europäische Einsichten|European Insights, Werkbetrachtungen|Reflections on the Work of Bill Viola. Introduction by Rolf Lauter; texts by Jean-Christophe Ammann, et al. Munich, London, New York: Prestel. In German and English.
Stations: Bill Viola (exh. cat.). Introduction by Götz Adriani; texts by Reto Krüger, Ralph Melcher, Bill Viola and Dörte Zbikowski. Karlsruhe: Museum für Neue Kunst/ZKM. In German.
Bill Viola: Going Forth By Day (exh. cat.). Curator John G. Hanhardt. Texts by Bill Viola; interview with the artist by John G. Hanhardt. Berlin: Deutsche Bank; New York: Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation. Separate books in English and German.
Walsh,John, ed. Bill Viola: The Passions ( Texts by Peter Sellars, Bill Viola and John Walsh; conversation between Hans Belting and Bill Viola; visual documentation by Kira Perov. Los Angeles: The J. Paul Getty Museum in association with The National Gallery, London. Madrid: Fundación “la Caixa,” 2004. Spanish edition titled Bill Viola: Las Pasiones.
Schmitz, Jeanette, Wolfgang Volz, eds. Five Angels: Bill Viola im Gasometer, Ein Projekt der RuhrTriennale (exh. cat.). Texts by Söke Dinkla, Friedhelm Mennekes, Jeanette Schmitz, Peter Sellars and Bill Viola. Essen: Klartext. In German and English.
Townsend, Chris, ed. The Art of Bill Viola. Introduction by Chris Townsend,texts by Cynthia Freeland, et al. London: Thames & Hudson. Milan: Bruno Mondadori, 2005. In Italian.
Krogh, Anna and Jens Erik Sorensen, eds. Bill Viola: Visions (exh. cat.). Texts by Anna Krogh, et al. Aarhus: ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum. In Danish and English.
Janhsen, Angeli. Kunst sehen ist sich selbst sehen: Christian Boltanski, Bill Viola. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag. In German.
Bill Viola: Love/Death: The Tristan Project (exh. cat.). Texts by Simon Grant and Bill Viola. London: Haunch of Venison.
Elliott, David and Akio Obigane, eds. Bill Viola: Hatsu-Yume (First Dream) (exh. cat.). Texts by David Elliott, David A. Ross, Bill Viola and John Walsh; interview with the artist and Kira Perov by Akio Obigane. Tokyo: Mori Art Museum and Tankosha Publishing Co., Ltd. In Japanese and English.
Bill Viola: Las Horas Invisibles (exh. cat.). Curator José Librero Stals. Texts by David A. Ross, Bill Viola, and John Walsh; conversation between Bill Viola, Otto Neumaier and Alexander Pühringer. Seville: Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Cultura. In Spanish.
Brewinska, Maria, ed. Bill Viola (exh. cat.). Texts by Maria Brewinska, Benjamin Cope, Minoru Hatanaka, Jaroslaw Lubiak, and Bill Viola. Warsaw: Zach?ta National Gallery of Art. In Polish and English.
Perov, Kira, ed. Bill Viola: Visioni interiori (exh. cat.). Texts by Maria Gloria Conti Bicocchi, Kira Perov, Salvatore Settis, Valentina Valentini, and Bill Viola. Rome: Palazzo delle Esposizioni, and Florence: Giunti Arte Mostre Musei. In Italian.
Perov, Kira, ed. Bill Viola: Bodies of Light (exh. cat.). Texts by James Cohan and Bill Viola. New York: James Cohan Gallery.
Bill Viola per Capodimonte (exh. cat.). Texts by Maria Gloria Conti Bicocchi, Angela Tecce, Mariella Utili, Valentina Valentini, and Bill Viola. Naples: Museo di Capodimonte. In Italian.
Bernardini, Anna, ed. Bill Viola: Reflections (exh. cat.). Texts by Salvatore Settis, Maria Rosa Sossai, and Bill Viola. Milan: Silvana Editoriale. In Italian and English.
Neutres, Jérôme and Kira Perov, eds. Bill Viola (exh. cat.). Texts by Jérôme Neutres and Anne-Marie Duguet; interview with the artist and Kira Perov by Jérôme Neutres. Paris: Réunion de musées nationaux–Grand Palais. In French.
Bernier, Ronald R. The Unspeakable Art of Bill Viola: A Visual Theology. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock.
Hanhardt, John G. Bill Viola. Edited by Kira Perov. London and New York: Thames & Hudson, 2015. (German language edition: Munich: Sieveking Verlag, 2015.)
Bill Viola (exh. cat.). Texts by Jérôme Neutres and Bill Viola. Seoul: Kukje Gallery. Separate books in Korean and English.
Galansino, Arturo and Kira Perov eds. Bill Viola: Electronic Renaissance (exh. cat.). Curators Arturo Galansino and Kira Perov. Texts by Arturo Galansino, Alice L. Hutchison, Kira Perov, and Ludovica Sebregondi; interview with Bill Viola by John G. Hanhardt. Florence: Giunti Arte Mostre Musei. Separate books in English and Italian.
Luckow, Dirk and Kira Perov eds. Bill Viola: Installations (exh. cat.). Curators Dirk Luckow and Kira Perov. Texts by Dorothee Böhm, Wulf Herzogenrath, and Dirk Luckow. Cologne: Snoeck Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. In German and English.
Hanhardt, John G. Bill Viola. Edited by Kira Perov. Bilbao: La Fábrica, 2017. In Spanish with Basque text supplement.